Home > Browse Catalog > Products > Acer saccharum | Sugar Maple | Fall Fiesta

Acer saccharum | Sugar Maple | Fall Fiesta

Broadly oval form. This sturdy cultivar produces a especially symmetrical crown. Fall brings on a mix of orange, red and yellow colors. A fast growing sugar maple that is resistant to leaf tatter and leaf hopper damage. Also resistant to frost cracking and sun scald. — Ht. 50′ Spread 40′


Broadly oval form. This sturdy cultivar produces a especially symmetrical crown. Fall brings on a mix of orange, red and yellow colors. A fast growing sugar maple that is resistant to leaf tatter and leaf hopper damage. Also resistant to frost cracking and sun scald. — Ht. 50′ Spread 40′

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Caliper (in.)

2, 6, 6.5