Home > Browse Catalog > Products > Betula nigra | River Birch | Dura-Heat 3 stems

Betula nigra | River Birch | Dura-Heat 3 stems

A heat and drought tolerant version of the species, along with superior insect and disease resistance. This pyramidal  growing birch features small  glossy green leaves that become almost translucent and buttery colored in fall.  Striking pink-orange exfoliating  bark gives wonderful winter interest.  With something to offer every season,  this Birch is great for use as a focal  point or a shade tree.

Height- 40 ft. Spread- 25 ft.


A heat and drought tolerant version of the species, along with superior insect and disease resistance. This pyramidal  growing birch features small  glossy green leaves that become almost translucent and buttery colored in fall.  Striking pink-orange exfoliating  bark gives wonderful winter interest.  With something to offer every season,  this Birch is great for use as a focal  point or a shade tree.

Height- 40 ft. Spread- 25 ft.

Additional information

Height (ft.)

8, 10, 12, 14, 16