Home > Browse Catalog > Products > Carpinus betulus | European Hornbeam | Frans Fontaine

Carpinus betulus | European Hornbeam | Frans Fontaine

A stately specimen with excellent form and columnar growth habit, even more so than other varieties. A great selection for smaller spaces, and takes pruning very well. A superb option for a deciduous hedge. Glossy pointed green leaves change to a crisp yellow in Autumn.

Height- 40 ft. Spread- 20 ft.


A stately specimen with excellent form and columnar growth habit, even more so than other varieties. A great selection for smaller spaces, and takes pruning very well. A superb option for a deciduous hedge. Glossy pointed green leaves change to a crisp yellow in Autumn.

Height- 40 ft. Spread- 20 ft.

Additional information

Caliper (in.)

2, 2.5