Home > Browse Catalog > Products > Gleditsia triacanthos | Locust | Skyline

Gleditsia triacanthos | Locust | Skyline

Among the most commonly used of Honeylocust cultivar.  Skyline has upright spreading  branches that are uniform and provide a pyramidal shape. Well behaved form and environmental  tolerance make this an ideal street  tree. Thornless and seedless. Fern-like fine  foliage turns golden-yellow in fall.

Height- 50 ft. Spread- 40 ft.


Among the most commonly used of Honeylocust cultivar.  Skyline has upright spreading  branches that are uniform and provide a pyramidal shape. Well behaved form and environmental  tolerance make this an ideal street  tree. Thornless and seedless. Fern-like fine  foliage turns golden-yellow in fall.

Height- 50 ft. Spread- 40 ft.

Additional information

Caliper (in.)

2, 2.5, 3