Home > Browse Catalog > Products > Ulmus parvifolia | Elm | Allee

Ulmus parvifolia | Elm | Allee

This lacebark Elm is a  superb shade tree, which provides dappled shade. Upright spreading growth habit. Its refined foliage is delicate with fine leaves.  Green foliage in the spring and summer months slowly turn crisp orange and yellow.

Height-60 ft. Spread-50 ft.


This lacebark Elm is a  superb shade tree, which provides dappled shade. Upright spreading growth habit. Its refined foliage is delicate with fine leaves.  Green foliage in the spring and summer months slowly turn crisp orange and yellow.

Height-60 ft. Spread-50 ft.

Additional information

Caliper (in.)

2, 2.5